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International Black Sea Transport Forum has been opened in Odesa. Through 16 ― 18 October Odessa hosts the International Black Sea Transport Forum, in terms of which exhibitions and conferences are planned. Acting Deputy of Odesa Mayor Kyrylo Shalamay took part at the opening ceremony. // more

International conference “Ukraine and Romania: Partners or Competitors?” took place in Odesa 14 October. It was organized jointly by Odesa Branch of National Institute for Strategic Studies, Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representation in Ukraine and General Consul of Romania in Odesa. // more

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Ukraine Mr Mohammad Akbar Mohammadi has arrived for official visit to Odesa. // more

The Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and European Integration of Odesa Regional State Administration Anastasia Andronova has stated that the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 is focusing on creating the conditions for investment activities. // more

Practical aspects of the interaction of law enforcement of Russia and Ukraine are discussing today, 24 September, in Odesa, during the joint board of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation. // more

The troop of Odesa National Academic Opera welcomes a new permanent tenor Konstantin Andreev who has been invited to join the company in this 204th season. He was a soloist of the Royal Theatre of Madrid, Spain, before that. // more

The International Black Sea Transport Forum will take place in Odesa on October 15¬–17, 2013. // more

The Consul General of the Turkish Republic in Odesa Mr Huseyin Ergani is leaving Odessa due to the finish of his diplomatic mission. 1 August, 2013, the Consul General of the Turkish Republic in Odesa Mr Huseyin Ergani visited Odesa City Hall and held an official meeting with Odesa City First Deputy Mayor Mykola Ilchenko. // more

The OIFF-2013 closing ceremony  Jul 22 2013, 12:50

On Saturday, 20 July, at the Odesa National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet has hosted the closing ceremony of the IV Odesa International Film Festival. // more

The official opening ceremony of the most anticipated event of the summer, which is to be held in the building of the Odesa Opera and Ballet Theatre, will be hosted by a popular Ukrainian TV-presenter Oleksiy Sukhanov together with a charming Masha Efrosinina. // more

The opening of the Ukrainian-US naval exercises with the participation of representatives of the fleets of other countries “Sea Breeze 2013” has been held today in Odesa. // more

28th BSEC meeting held in Odesa  Jun 25 2013, 15:00

BSEC Chairman-in-Office and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine H.E. Mr. Leonid Kozhara chaired the meeting. In the working session of the meeting, the Ministers exchanged views on issues regarding the region and the Organization. // more

International Conference “Visegrad Four Eastern Partnership: on the way to the Vilnius summit” is taking place today, 17 June, in Odesa. The event was organized by the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the National Institute for Strategic Studies. // more

Honorary Consulate of Latvia is planned to be opened in Odesa in 2014. Acting first deputy mayor of Odesa Kyrylo Shalamay met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to Ukraine Argita Daudze. During the meeting the parties discussed the possibility of the development of bilateral cooperation. A significant step towards the implementation of cooperation will be the opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Odesa, scheduled for 2014. // more

The Annual International Transport Week has started its work in Odesa. In the framework of the International Transport Week five important events will be held. // more

At the invitation of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Anton Kisse, Bulgarian Vice President Margarita Popova will visit Odesa region on a working visit. // more

The II Annual Awards Ceremony of the Honorary Medal of the Governor-General Mikhail Vorontsov was held 17 May in the Great Hall of the Bristol Hotel in Odesa. // more

A series of events within the Europe Day are held in Odesa. // more

Planning of joint Ukrainian―United States exercises Sea Breeze 2013 has been completed in Odesa. On the basis of the final planning conference of joint Ukrainian―United States exercises in the spirit of “Partnership for Peace”, Sea Breeze plan for the manoeuvres was finalized and approved. // more

Regular International Specialized Exhibition “Beauty Technologies – ÕÕ² century” will be held 16 ― 18 May in Odesa. The company “Estet Media” acts as an organizer of business and educational programmes within the beauty industry exhibition “Beauty Technologies – ÕÕ² century” held 16-18 May in Odesa in the exhibition hall of the Sea Port. // more

The “Ukraine International Airlines” opens a new flight from Odesa to Istanbul airport 1 May. Regular flights will operate daily by plane Boeing-737 with two classes of service ― business and economy. Departure from Odesa is at 11:45, from Istanbul ― 14:15 local time. The way time ― 1.5 hours. // more

International investment forum “Odesa FDI Forum 2013. Focus: Infrastructure” will be held 12-13 April in Odesa. The Forum will be held under the patronage of the Chairman of the Odesa Regional State Administration Eduard Matviychuk. It will be the greatest investment event in the south of Ukraine. // more

Dear readers, friends and colleagues, // more

Three London Marathoners will run 1000 miles through 9 European countries, starting from Potemkinskaya Stairs. Three friends are to run 39 marathons across Eastern Europe in 33 days to battle child trafficking. // more

In the framework of the working visit to Ukraine, President of Latvia Andris Bērziņš has visited Odesa 15 March. // more

It is expected to sign a memorandum on the exchange of experience between the Odesa Commercial Sea Port, and the Port of Ventspils, Latvia.  // more

The traditional military-historical festival “Our Odesa” will be held 7 April at the memorial of 411th battery. The event is dedicated to the 69th Anniversary of the liberation of Odesa from Nazi invaders will be held on 7 April at the memorial of 411th battery. The festival will be under the patronage of the Chairman of the Odesa Regional State Administration Eduard Matviychuk. // more

Lukoil and the group VETEK (Eastern-European Fuel and Energy Company) have signed an agreement on the purchase-sale of 99.6% of stocks in PJSC LUKOIL-Odesa Refinery. The company and the Group VETEK signed an agreement on the purchase-sale of PJSC LUKOIL-Odesa Refinery. As a result, the VETEK Group will purchase 99.6% of stocks in the oil refinery. The deal is expected to be completed by June 1, 2013, once the parties carry out their prior commitments. // more

Odesa will participate in the International Tourism Fair 6-10 March in Berlin. The fair ITB Berlin 2013 is one of the most important developments in the international tourism. The purpose of the participation is the promotion of Odesa on the international arena, increasing its tourist attractiveness and the increasing of the tourist flow to our city. // more

The presentation of Odesa at the Hospitality Industry Forum held in Kyiv has been recognized as one of the best. The International Hospitality Industry Forum was held 21 February in Kyiv. Odesa was presented by the Head of Culture and Tourism of the Odesa City Council Tetiana Markova. // more

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